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HSBC Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Research and Insights will help you better understand the spectrum of ESG and how to ultimately make sustainable decisions to transform your business.

The future impact on Middle East’s cities
The COVID-19 crisis has upended livelihoods and markets around the globe, and changed the way that millions of people live, work and communicate. Less obvious – but no less intriguing – is the impact all this is having on cities and urbanisation. Greg Clark, Senior Advisor, Future Cities and New Industries at HSBC explores.

HSBC EY: Built to Last Sustainable Buildings Frameworks report
By 2050, it is estimated that 70% of the world’s population will live in cities.1 This increasingly urban lifestyle will require new and better buildings to be built globally. Sustainable building practices can help cities meet this demand in a way that allows them to both honour their own climate change pledges, country commitments, whilst also helping to create future-proof infrastructure that may otherwise be at risk due to the effects of climate change.

Digital Economies for the Future MENA 2020 report
The MENA region could see approximately $400bn added to its economies over the next 15 years if artificial intelligence (AI) solutions are adopted. Against this backdrop, customers’ rapidly evolving needs means the banking industry must proactively explore sustainable and transformative digital solutions to disrupt the status quo – for the better. Digital economies are on the rise.

Green Loans
Today’s institutional investors are looking for the growth stories of tomorrow and sustainable futures. Green loans have a valuable role to play when it comes to reining in the impact of climate change as they aim to provide opportunities for companies that have sustainability embedded in their business models.

Energy in Transition Report
Mastering a path is key to realising the value of energy transition and we have identified two main drivers - new policies and access to financial architecture - that provide a reliable, creative and voluminous stream of funds to transform sustainable business blueprints into reality.

HSBC Global and Regional Sustainable Finance and Investment 2019 survey
The most recent figures for sustainable investment globally, from April 2019, suggest there are now USD30.7 trillion of assets under management, an increase of 34 per cent over the previous three years. Find out more in our HSBC Global and MENA report.
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